SiteMax Systems Inc. | Product Updates | March & April 2023

Product Updates | March & April 2023

Customers & Construction Technology Users

Welcome to our Product Updates blog for March & April of 2023!

Our team is always hard at work looking to improve SiteMax and introduce relevant new features. 

In this post, we’ll highlight some of the changes we’ve made to our forms, company notices, contact management, punch items and equipment modules, enhancements to our mobile experience, and what is ahead with SMX Connect and other backend updates.

Alright, let’s get down to it!

Product Updates


Our Forms have seen the most improvements. With all columns in the table optional, a better naming convention for the PDF and a ton of new features for the form builder, you are given more control over your processes. Our form settings now include a notification for the assignee and let you include the label on the PDF.

Form Builder

The form builder can now perform calculations, has an easier way of creating selections, and is generally much faster. A FULL RELAUNCH is scheduled with a brand-new interface and experience in the coming weeks. Our support team will work on tutorials to ensure you know and can leverage our advanced functionality. With numerous automation and the ability to build workflows, you can replace any paper, manual processes and outdated systems.

Company Notices

Company Notices have been launched in beta. From Settings > Modules > Company notice, you can create a banner on the desktop and mobile experiences at the top of the project dashboard. By publishing it, the title and the last updated date will display with the ability for the users to click and view the description and attachment included. A great way to make company announcements.

Contact Management

Our Contact Management keeps improving. With more data available for export and re-import and the ability to merge companies, that function lets you remove duplicate companies and keep your contacts under the same parent company.

Punch Items

Our Punch Items have seen a shortcut to create duplicate items on mobile quickly. Copy similar items or create them for separate trades faster. With the display of tags and soon the created date and days to resolve, get a glance at the items on-site.


Our Equipment module now lets you delete items, and permissions have been improved to keep the right level of access for each user.


Our new branding made it to our mobile interface with last month’s latest touch-ups.

SMX Connect

We continue working on the new external portal for Sitemax, called SMX Connect. Soon, safety forms, tasks, records, punch items, RFIs, change orders and drawings, everything your subcontractors need, will be accessible to them within your SiteMax workflows.

On the Horizon

We are still in the scoping phase and welcome your input for the following:

  • Task enhancement, as well as the introduction of Gantt-chart and project scheduling
  • NEW Punch List interface with better configuration and reporting

In addition, a new PDF interface will be introduced with our redesigned file system management used on Company and Project Documents in the coming months.


As we wrap up our Product Updates for March and April 2023, we are excited to share the many improvements and updates SiteMax has been working on to provide our users with an unparalleled Jobsite Management experience. We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon!

As many more small improvements, fixes, and optimizations are being made weekly, please visit our help centre or contact us at or your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions about past and upcoming changes.

If you want to look at SiteMax for the first time, please schedule some time with us here.

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SiteMax Systems Inc. | Product Updates | March & April 2023

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Construction Management

SiteMax provides an all in one solution, your projects will run more efficiently and with unparalleled accuracy.

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