SiteMax Systems Inc. | Our Top 5 Favourite Construction Websites

Our Top 5 Favourite Construction Websites

If you’re ever wondering where we get some of the compelling news stories we share daily, then keep reading! Listed here are only five out of the many amazing construction blogs we refer to daily. Thanks to them we are able to keep our newsfeed fresh and interesting. These websites never fail to keep us up to speed on some of the latest industry stories and trends. Check them out!

Our Top 5 Favourite Construction Blogs:

  1. Building Design and Construction: This is a magazine as well as an online source for construction related news stories and trends. The goal of the magazine is to inspire building teams to design and construct great places for people. They also highlight construction related awards and events among many other things. A good site to check out daily!

  2. Construct Dive: Visit this site daily to keep up to date on all the latest construction related news. Or better yet, sign up for their newsletter to have the news sent to you daily! Their mission is to provide a bird’s-eye-view of the construction industry in 60 seconds. This is something they master well!

  3. Construction Business Owner: This magazine is known at the business management magazine for contractors. It is a great source for real-world business management education and provides articles that inform owners and managers on accounting, finance, insurance, regulatory issues, human resources, bidding strategies, technology, job site safety, equipment management and industry statistics. Article authors are well-known professionals who specialize in the construction industry. Also a great web source that highlights important construction news headlines.

  4. Built Worlds: This website covers more than just construction related news, it provides compelling articles such as tech stories to upcoming events all relevant to our industry.  It is updated with multiple attention catching stories daily. This is not a site to ignore!

  5. Global Construction Review:  Updated daily with construction news stories from multiple different countries, this is a great source to be seriously updated on world events. All articles related to our industry, even small scale events happening half way across the world.

Though we rely on these 5 sources for news updates daily, we are constantly posting and retweeting news from other great sites. Be sure to follow @sitemaxsystems, as well as @buildboom on Twitter and keep an eye out for new stories shared on a daily basis.

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SiteMax Systems Inc. | Our Top 5 Favourite Construction Websites

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