It’s 2016. If you’re not making an effort to properly brand your construction company you’re going to get left in the dust. We really have no choice to brand whether it be ourselves or our companies, so what are you waiting for? We’ve listed 5 ways below to get you started on branding your company, check it out!

- Create a logo! You don’t have to be a digital artist in order to create your company a logo. There are many online options to make it relatively cheap or you can pay someone else to do it. Sketch out a few ideas and brainstorm what you want people to see when they look at your logo. Incorporate 2 or 3 colours into your logo that you can carry across all advertising efforts to brand your business effectively.
- Have a website! If you don’t already have a website for your company you’re not going to be seen as a legitimate company they can trust. You can create one yourself with little to no experience through website builders such as WordPress.com. Start by including your contact information, a short bio with your experience, and some images of projects you’ve completed. Don’t forget to incorporate your brand colours on your website as well.
- Business Cards! Business cards are relatively cheap to produce these days so you have no excuse not to have some on you at all times. You can create business cards with no design experience on websites such as Vistaprint.ca. You never know when your next opportunity is around the corner and your business card can make a quick encounter turn into a business contact. Again, don’t forget to include your brand colours and logo on your card.
- Social Media! It’s free so why aren’t you on there? Create yourself a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram page to start. Update them regularly with relevant content and watch your followers grow. Your followers are potential clients and it’s an excellent way to get brand recognition- so get posting!
- Customer Service! This is one of the most effective and completely free ways to brand your construction company. Being friendly goes a long way, especially when other businesses aren’t focusing on that. Be known as that construction company with excellent customer service and word is sure to spread.