construction jobsite

9 ways SiteMax makes a general contractor’s job easier

When it comes right down to it, every new technology you introduce into your operations as a General Contractor (or any job, really) should do one thing: make your work easier.

When your work is made easier, that creates room to boost performance across the board: improving your bottom line, hitting project timelines, saving time, saving money and reaching a higher standard of quality.

In today’s Contractor industry in Canada, every advantage you can create is a good one. In a 2018 industry report, it was noted that the industry had over 208,000 businesses and almost 750,000 employed—just in Canada. That numbers are guaranteed to only get higher.

What does that mean for you? How can you beat out the competition? It’s always a matter of selling your value; holding on to long-time customers while creating new relationships. This is what top tier of General Contractors do, and how you can stand apart.

One of the first steps to take to sell your value is to make your operations smoother and, again, to make your work easier to accomplish. Effective and streamlined operations will always boost your value as a General Contractor.

This is what SiteMax’s jobsite software is built for – to showcase your value and make your job much, much easier.

1) Ready-to-go site reports

A crucial part to a successful project for General Contractors: providing accurate, on-point reporting on project activities and issues on a daily basis.

With SiteMax, you have the access to a number of already-made stock forms or can create your own with our easy-to-use drag and drop form builder.

Your field staff will then have access to these forms to create entries for the day. From a site personnel count to checklists and procedures, we’ve made it easier to implement your own procedures.

2) Safety reports in minutes

Satisfying safety authorities can be an arduous task, but with SiteMax, all your safety information is right in the palm of your hand.

Organized by each job, accessing your files, forms and guides is as easy as it gets. So, when it does come time to produce all your safety documentation, simply select, attach and send.

3) Automated, comprehensive daily activity reports

Clients love to see progress on projects regularly. They love it even more when they don’t have to ask for an update.

Our automated daily activity report grabs the information from all updated forms your modules and packages it into a branded PDF that is then delivered via email on a scheduled day and time that you choose.

It is by far the most comprehensive report in the industry.

4) Field purchase orders on the spot

Your superintendents can flex their tech muscles and create a purchase order directly from the field and share it immediately with the vendor, and the office can see it instantly.

5) Punchlists

Whether you are closing out a job or just completing a phase, you are going to need punchlists to organize your deficiencies and assign them to the appropriate party. SiteMax helps keep it streamlined and all in one spot.

6) See all of this on one dashboard

Organized by on-deck, active and complete, all you projects are right in front of you, with badges that refresh on a prepaid basis so you can see what is new at a simple glance. You can also invite third parties to this dashboard and restrict what projects they see.

7) Quick access to updates on a mobile feed

Want to see everything happening on one timeline feed? It’s as easy as turning on your phone or tablet. Sign in to your SiteMax account and you’ll see a live feed of entries that have occurred over time.

If you see something of interest, tap on it and take a look. No more wondering if someone has completed a report or finished a task, now you know.

8) Focused work-only messaging

Texting and direct messaging is nothing new, but having all project-related messaging centralized within the SiteMax app comes with some significant advantages.

The biggest, you have a focused place to communicate about JUST WORK. The conversations can be one-on-one or part of a group, which is perfect for distribution of company-wide alerts. Conversations that are general or about a specific project are separated to keep information from getting mixed up.

9) Photo capabilities

Pictures can show, right away, the context and perspective of the timeline of any project.

Photos are organized by the day and in its own dedicated area which can be seen in the project day view. Adding photo descriptions from your mobile is simple and easy to do.

Pretty much, if it’s jobsite related, we’ve got you covered.

If you’re a general contractor and want get ahead of today’s competitive landscape with SiteMax, there really is no reason to wait. Our Product Experts can take a deep dive or a shallow swim inside our Product Demonstration.

With a Q&A afterwards, of course. Pick a time that works for you!

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SiteMax Systems Inc. | 9 ways SiteMax makes a general contractor’s job easier

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