SiteMax Systems Inc. | 7 Tips To Staying Cool During The Summer Heat While Working Outdoors

7 Tips To Staying Cool During The Summer Heat While Working Outdoors

The summer season is one of the most anticipated seasons with the warm sun rays. But what about keeping safe while spending hours on end working outdoors on the job site? The days get long and the heat can eventually start to have a negative effect. It is critical for outdoor workers to understand the symptoms of dehydration, heat stress and how to prevent it from happening. If you work in the heat, follow these 7 steps below and stay safe from the exposed rays.

1) First and foremost, stay hydrated!

It is important to stay hydrated before you feel thirsty. Studies show that most times, workers come to work already dehydrated. Make sure to keep water as a constant throughout your day. If you are thirsty, chances are you’re already dehydrated. Keep a bottle of water on you at all times and remember to drink frequently.

2) Decrease caffeine intake!

This one might serve as a challenge because most people will turn to caffeine in the mornings or during breaks. Caffeine directly increases water loss, and plays a huge part in dehydration.

3) Keep track of the weather on an hourly basis

Working on the job site can be quite physically demanding. Keep track of co-workers working in less shady areas and check the temperature at the start of each day and do your best to adjust the work/break cycles accordingly. SiteMAX Systems Site Management application comes with a weather feature that allows you to keep track of the weather and temperature directly from your iPhone or iPad.

4) Keep your lunch meal light

A heavy lunch in the mid afternoon can be the quickest cause for drowsiness. The after-lunch interval is a tough one to get through so keep it light, and stick to foods that are high in water (think fruits!)

5) Make sure to include breaks into the schedule

Avoiding highly air conditioned venues may be best in order to help keep your body temperature regulated. Stick to outdoor areas where there is plenty of shade in order to prevent exhaustion.

6) Keep an eye out for signs of heat stress

Examples of symptoms could be: Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. In any of these cases, please take a break, stay hydrated, and if necessary, call 911.

7) Wear Appropriate Gear

Wearing personal temperature control gear can make a huge difference in your workday. For our Canadian workers, check out these Coolworks® products from Hazmasters

Coolworks® Hi-Vis Micro-Fiber T-Shirts

Coolworks® Hi-Vis Ventilated Pants

Coolworks Hi-Vis Micro-Fiber T-Shirts are shrink-proof polyester micro-fiber that wicks moisture away from the body for year-round comfort. Coolworks Hi-Vis Ventilated Pants are made from 100% spun polyester fabric, making them durable, comfortable, wrinkle-resistant, non-fading and breathable. These items are growing increasingly popular among construction workers as aid to regulate body temperature during the heated months.

Heat stress is very common during the summer months, and symptoms may go unnoticed until they become serious. Please take care of yourselves and one another on the job site! And of course, make sure to enjoy the sun and have some fun!

To book a demo with SiteMAX Systems and learn more about site and project management features, please contacts us!

To purchase personal temperature control gear please visit Hazmasters, and for branch listings, click here (various branches across Canada)
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SiteMax Systems Inc. | 7 Tips To Staying Cool During The Summer Heat While Working Outdoors

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